Monday, October 29, 2012

Unscribbled Words

When I learned to read, I was very smart about it. It was when I was four and I was in preschool. All we did in preschool was finger paint and sing songs all day. We actually didn't learn anything until we were in Kindergarten. What I did was go to my teacher and ask her can she teach me how to read and to my surprise she said "No". So I went home that day and my mom started to read me a bedtime story. I really wanted to read it myself but the writing and the words looked like scribbles. So I asked her can she teach me how to read and she promised she would but later. I really didn't want to wait because my heart wanted it really bad. So until she taught me, I went around the house doing stupid things, acting really slow. My mom knew why so she took me to my room and started pronouncing words and telling me SH or WH bases.

I knew it would take such a long time for me to be reading with just one person teaching me how to. So what I did was ask my teacher again and she said "No," again. I kept coming back asking her and asking her until she finally said "Okay, stop buggin' me!" I felt like it was actually her job to teach me something useful. So everyday I stayed after school and let her teach me how to read. Everyday my day consisted of reading scribbled words. I always carried a book that I wanted to be able to read and it was my bedtime story.

'Goodnight Moon' was always my favorite book even though I couldn't read it. I tried to read it but the only word I could understand was 'The'. So I just waited until I had time to actually learn some other words. But I remembered all the SH or WH bases and was able to read some of the words and somehow I knew my mom was listening to me read because soon as I started reading my mom walked in and sat down and listened to me. She helped me with words I stumbled on and it felt great that I was starting off not that bad.

Time progressed slowly and day after day, I was slowly learning to read. It finally came time for me to read a whole book to both my mom and my teacher. Of course, I went slowly but I read the words and actually pronounced them correctly! Ever since then, I always, always kept a book with me and never stopped reading. My teacher actually said she never seen anyone read the way I did. She liked me more than all the other kids after that because I had perseverance and I wasn't going to give no matter what.  

It's very rare that you see a teenager read all the time and nobody is forcing you to. I know that reading is always going to be a part of my life because once you learn to read, there is no stopping you. Either you read signs, magazines, posters, pamphlets, or anything, it's important you know what it means.

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